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Bringing audit data and quality improvement (QI) to life using virtual tools and platforms (ID 300)

Hickman K, Andrews R, Roberts CM

Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

Funding: NACAP is funded by NHS England and Welsh Government via the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP).


The National Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Audit Programme (NACAP) aims to improve care and outcomes for people with asthma and COPD. One component of NACAP is the primary care audit which supports general practices (GPs) in Wales to improve asthma and COPD care.
Evidence on audit effecting change is that data feedback alone is insufficient and requires additional elements of quality improvement (QI).
To design a new bespoke QI model by establishing ways of making audit results and QI information more engaging, accessible, and useable by Welsh GP practices.
The QI element of the 2018/20 primary care report was redesigned. The report was shortened, and QI priorities reduced to six focusing on key elements of care, with clear targets and deadlines set. A bespoke web-based QI portal was co-designed with the Institute for Clinical Science and Technology (ICST) and opinion leaders delivering key messages, QI project videos, and learning elements.
The redesigned QI element for the 2018/20 primary care report was launched in 2021. This included:
● a NACAP specific web-based QI portal and project videos, via the ICST platform, and
● streamlined reports highlighting the six new QI priorities and signposting to the QI portal, using QR codes that link directly to the portal to facilitate access.
Project videos align with the QI priorities and provide short and simple results overview, advice, and steps on how to initiate QI projects and improve care. The QI portal provides tools and resources to easily support and track QI projects and progress against the NACAP targets.
New ways of presenting audit data and QI information were successfully explored and executed. NACAP designed a new QI support programme based on evidence-based interventions and will measure the impact of this new programme against QI priority performance.

Conflicts of interest: Katherine Hickman - works with Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS-UK)

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