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Utilising the Welsh National Respiratory Toolkit to improve the management of respiratory conditions in Primary Care (ID 360)

Edwards DM


Funding: South Pembrokeshire Cluster


In Wales, approximately 314,00 patients are being treated for asthma. NRAD told us there were failings in the basic management of asthma patients.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects 57,500 patients in Wales and is one of the top three causes of death worldwide.
NACAP and Asthma+LungUK data shows us that there is still scope for improvement.
Most respiratory patients are managed in Primary Care, often by HCP with no recognised asthma or COPD training or qualification.
RHIG have developed the National Respiratory Toolkit, comprising of All Wales Asthma and COPD guidelines, National Welsh Standards (qualifications in respiratory management), QI projects and patient facing apps, to educate, inform and empower healthcare professions and patients to improve the management of respiratory conditions.
I used this toolkit in a quality improvement project involving over 2000 patients in Primary Care in the South Pembrokeshire Cluster in HDUHB.
Primary Objective - improve the management of asthma and COPD within the cluster.
Specific Objectives
• Identify high risk patients with asthma and COPD and review these patients as a priority
• Improve the standard respiratory review in Primary Care
• Educate and empower the patient to self-manage their condition
• Increase the number of patients treated according to All Wales Asthma & COPD Guidelines
• Increase the number of patients with self-management plans
Evaluation key findings
• Increased number of high-risk patients reviewed
• Decrease in number of reliever inhalers prescribed overall
• Increase percentage of DPI inhalers prescribed
• Increased standard of respiratory reviews
• Increased patient understanding of and ability to manage condition
• Increased number of patients treated in accordance with evidence based All Wales Guidelines
• Increased number of patients with worsening symptom management plan
Other findings
• Increased number of patients referred to PR type programme
• Increased smoking cessation services referral rates
• Increased collaborative working across primary and secondary care interface

Conflicts of interest: none

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