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Katherine Hickman

PCRS in Conversation - Allergic and non-allergic rhinitis

At the Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS), we believe in 'optimal'; respiratory health for all. Our aim is that, together, we can benefit every person with, or at risk of, lung disease.

In this webinar PCRS Executive Chair, Katherine Hickman, is joined by Rachel Daly, Lead Nurse - Airways, Manchester Airways service, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust to discuss the topic of allergic and non-allergic rhinitis. The discussion covers the importance of treating rhinitis and allergic rhinitis in patients who present with symptoms related to conditions such as asthma and upper airway conditions including inducible laryngeal obstruction and breathing pattern disorder.

Rachel explores treatment choice and highlights the value of early intervention as a way to prevent onward secondary care services such as ENT, which are under huge strain and have long waiting times.