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Lisa Brighton

photo of Lisa BrightonDr Lisa Jane Brighton is a Lecturer in Applied Heath Research with a background in psychology, based at the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy and Rehabilitation, King’s College London. Her research focuses on complex interventions in respiratory care, including breathlessness support services and pulmonary rehabilitation. Lisa has a particular interest in the psychosocial dimensions of living with respiratory problems, including breathlessness, and worked with international colleagues to establish the European Respiratory Psychology subgroup for Psychologists and Behavioural Scientists.

Lisa's sessions

Mental health and COPD

Saturday, - in Atcham

The conference has been instigated and organised by PCRS. We are grateful to sponsors and exhibitors who have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. Neither sponsors or exhibitors have had any input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored satellite symposia which are clearly indicated. View the full list of sponsors.

Thank you to this year's conference sponsors

AstraZeneca (UK) Limited
Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd
Chiesi Ltd
Sponsors have had no input into the agenda of the conference, with the exception of the satellite symposium sessions, for which the sponsoring companies are fully responsible.
A full list of conference exhibitors can be found at