Following Darush Attar-Zadeh’s tobacco dependency article in PCRS’s Spring/Summer edition of Primary Care Respiratory Update, his 16-year-old daughter, Sophia Attar-Zadeh took it upon herself to write a blog on vaping providing a ‘first-hand account’ of how an increased number of children and you
Inspiring best practice in respiratory care
The Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) promotes better care and outcomes for people with respiratory diseases. It unites healthcare professionals in a supportive, inclusive community where every voice is heard, emphasising leadership and education.
What are you looking for today?
A consensus-based article that sets out a simple treatment pathway based on the predominant characteristics
Step by step guides, podcasts and webinars cover prevention, diagnosis, testing and management. They will help you to support your patients and improve their outcomes.
Inhaler devices
Inhaler devices may seem simple to use but they are often used incorrectly by patients and healthcare professionals alike.
MRC Dyspnoea Scale
The mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) Dyspnoea Scale is used to assess the degree of baseline functional disability due to dyspnoea.
Primary Care Respiratory Update (PCRU)
Our members' magazine packed with useful features, clinical updates, educational updates, respiratory news and opinion.
Online Asthma Slide Rule
The asthma slide rule helps to start a conversation with your patients and/or colleagues around how much salbutamol is acceptable before a review is necessary
The Respiratory Service Framework
The RSF helps those looking to design a patient focussed respiratory service working across all sectors of out of hospital care
PCRS Respiratory Conference
The UK's leading respiratory conference for clinicians working primary, community and integrated care comes to Telford in September.
Join PCRS today
Become part of the UK's largest network of dedicated respiratory professionals working in primary, community and integrated care settings
Vaping is now a familiar sight in everyday life. With increased awareness of the dangers of smoking, vaping can, with appropriate support, be an effective tool to help people to quit.
We are pleased to launch a set of educational tools on supporting people with asthma in the 21st century to coincide with World Asthma Day (7th May).
Practice NursePCRS is an ideal forum for busy doctors and nurses in primary care with newsletters, treatment summaries and great training videos for the whole team.