Refreshments and Exhibition
Opening Address from PCRS Executive Chair
The Future for Respiratory Care
Richard Russell (Speaker) |
Managing tobacco and vape dependency
Darush Attar-Zadeh (Speaker) |
The lifecycle of womens health and its impact on respiratory disease: How respiratory disease affects women
Mona Bafadhel (Speaker) |
In their shoes…learning from the patients/carers
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
Diagnostic and testing respiratory services - understanding the challenges and searching for the solutions
To Be Confirmed (Facilitator) |
Refreshments and Exhibition
Moving from treatment to prevention - how do we achieve it?
Helena Cummings (Speaker) |
Vaccination - starting with ME!
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
Taking the idea, sharing and implementing locally
Kate Lippiett (Speaker) |
Emotional resilience -engaging your teams
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
Sponsored Satellite Symposium
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
Lunch and Exhibition
Annual General Meeting
Sponsored Satellite Symposium
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
Advanced spirometry interpretation
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
The Holistic Care of People with COPD – focus on risks and co-morbidities, holistic care, social care and third sector
Frances Barrett (Speaker) |
Mould and damp - what to do?
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
What’s your Personality Colour? Why it is important to know your colour and your teams colours
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
Refreshments and Exhibition
Service Development Poster walk round
Research poster walk around
Stopping the same old story in adolescent asthma deaths
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
Influencing your local health board and how to do it
To Be Confirmed (Speaker) |
COPD - Is it worthwhile getting the diagnosis early?
William McConnell (Speaker) |
Conference Dinner
Drinks, disco and social
The conference has been instigated and organised by PCRS. We are grateful to sponsors and exhibitors who have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. Neither sponsors or exhibitors have had any input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored satellite symposia which are clearly indicated. View the full list of sponsors.
Conference DelegateEverything about the conference was excellent - it is simply the best, most practical and relevant conference I attend each year.
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Rates start at just £155 for PCRS Members, plus the opportunity of a £100 bursary towards travel and accommodation
Submissions of Scientific Research, Best Practice and Service Development Abstracts to the PCRS Conference are open until the 30th June 2025.
We have negotiated special rates for accommodation at The Telford International Centre partner hotels. Rates available until the 27th June 2025 on a first come first served basis
Please review our booking terms and conditions prior to registering for conference.