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COPD or not COPD- That is the question (ID 276)

Humphreys LD, Whittaker J, Jones SM, Tinnion P.

liverpool university foundation trust

Funding: none


Liverpool Community Respiratory Team (CRT) is a well-established, multi-professional team supporting respiratory patients at home to safely avoid hospital admission/reduce hospital length of stay. In recent years CRT have worked with the local CCG to provide admission avoidance and triple switch clinics. Some patients identified on GP lists as COPD, on closer scrutiny, have doubtful diagnosis either with non-obstructive spirometry or the patient has never smoked. In the past these referrals would have been rejected.

Liverpool Community respiratory team developed a diagnostic doubt clinic which was held virtually due to ongoing covid pandemic. Patients that had previously given consent were discussed with their results between advanced practitioners and respiratory physician. If a diagnosis could not be determined the patient was then invited for a one off appointment with a respiratory physician, either by telephone or video link. The GP and patient were then informed of any decisions made.

Between August 2020 and present, 166 patients have been discussed on MDT, of which 35 were then reviewed by consultant. 29 patients have been reviewed in the clinic they were originally referred to. A decision was also documented as to their suitability for CRT input in the future.

Conflicts of interest: none

The conference has been instigated and organised by PCRS. We are grateful to sponsors and exhibitors who have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. Neither sponsors or exhibitors have had any input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored satellite symposia which are clearly indicated. View the full list of sponsors.