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Best Practice/Service Improvement Abstract Submission

⏰ Submission Deadline: 30th June 2025

Thank you for submitting a Best Practice / Service Development Abstract for The PCRS Respiratory Conference.

If you have any questions experience any problems please email [email protected]

 How your data will be used
If the abstract is accepted, the abstract and author details will be made available on the PCRS website and conference materials for delegates. Contact details will remain private and are collected so we can communicate with you about the abstract submission and your role at the conference. If the abstract is not accepted, no data will be made public and will only be used by PCRS to communicate with you about the abstract submission.

Corresponding Author
Is the Lead Author the same as the Corresponding Author?
Lead Author

Full list including corresponding author, separated by commas. Please follow the format of this example 

Smith JB, Patel K, Brown JC, Wang L

You may wish to provide information on the following areas: Brief outline on the context, Details of the issue(s), Analysis of the problem, Strategy for change, Measurement of improvement, Effects of changes, Lessons learned, Messages for others

The maximum word count permitted for all abstract types is 350 words including sub-titles and references (excluding main title and authors details). This is strictly applied by the organisers and you will be unable to submit your abstract if the word count exceeds 350 words.

Please declare any conflicts of interest of the author(s). If none, state None.

Please describe how the project was funded and by whom. If none, state None.

Declaration of originality

We welcome abstracts that have been previously submitted and/or presented at other conferences, congress, publications. However only original abstracts will be eligible for prizes.

I/we declare that this abstract is original and has not been submitted, presented or published elsewhere*

Supporting images

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

If required, you can submit up to three images (e.g. charts, graphs) to support your abstract.
Abstract publication
Consent to publication of abstract

I/we consent to my/our abstract being published online on the PCRS website as part of the proceedings of this conference if selected for presentation.

Consent to publication of image of poster
I/we consent to my/our poster being published online as part of the proceedings of this conference if selected.