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POST PF: a qualitative study


Imperial College London is launching a qualitative study about screening and early treatment for pulmonary fibrosis. As primary care healthcare professionals, your participation would be highly appreciated.

What is the purpose of the study?

It is known that pulmonary fibrosis often has a late diagnosis. Cohort studies have highlighted how ex-smokers and relatives of people with pulmonary fibrosis may present early parenchymal abnormalities (ILAs) and have an increased risk of developing the disease compared with the general population. 

The POSTPF study aims to explore the opinion of healthcare professionals involved in the care of pulmonary fibrosis patients and subjects at increased risk of pulmonary fibrosis about the design of an ideal screening programme and early treatment.

What does your participation involve?

If you agree to participate, a member of the POSTPF team will contact you to arrange an interview. This could be face-to-face at the campus of Imperial College London, remotely via video call (on Teams or Zoom), or by phone, at your convenience.

The interviews are one-to-one and will last approximately 45 minutes, appointments can be arranged for a that suits you, including no working hours and weekends.

How could you take part?

If you are interested in participating in this study, please email with your details  (name, surname, email address and/or phone number) and your time or media of preference (email, phone, mail) to contact you and we will get in touch shortly to book your appointment.