At a glance - FeNO testing in asthma
To consider how and when we use FeNO testing, we need to go to the definition of asthma. Both BTS/SIGN1 and GINA2 define it as a predominantly inflammatory disorder of the airways with airway hyperresponsiveness and variability in symptoms. Nitric oxide is a gas involved in the respiratory process and is present in the atmosphere in very small amounts (parts per billion). It can be easily measured in exhaled breath using a fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) test. A raised FeNO is associated with eosinophilic inflammation of the airways, which is the characteristic inflammation of asthma. It can therefore be used as a test to support a diagnosis of asthma. The BTS/SIGN and NICE guidelines for asthma diagnosis currently make different recommendations on when FeNO should be used.
To assist with FeNO delivery in primary care, PCRS is hosting a variety of resources - this article outline each of these resources and provides a brief update on FeNO testing in asthma.
The fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) test measures the level of NO in the exhaled breath and provides an indication of eosinophilic inflammation in the lungs.
A PCRS Consensus: FeNO testing for asthma diagnosis
The fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) test measures the level of NO in the exhaled breath and provides an indication of eosinophilic inflammation in the lungs.
FeNO patient leaflet (multi-language)
As with any test or procedure it is really important that your patient has a full understanding of what to expect from their FeNO test appointment, along with an explanation of the test process.
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Asthma Right Care (ARC) is a global social movement created by the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) to drive change and disrupt the status quo in asthma management. Here you'll find podcasts, webinars, practical guidance and patient tools to help improve asthma outcomes.
This Asthma Myths podcast is part of the Asthma Right Care Campaign.