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PCRS Position Statement - Treatment of tobacco dependency

Date for review: 2nd February 2026

PCRS believe that it is the responsibility of every healthcare professional to treat tobacco dependency systematically and effectively. PCRS advocate that people wishing to quit using tobacco should be offered the most effective but also the least harmful methods first to support a quit attempt. Delivery of stop smoking treatment is challenging due to reduced stop smoking services and a current lack of licensed pharmacotherapies. Prescribed NRT, combining short and long acting versions, along with behavioural support is currently the primary treatment choice. Cytisine oral tablets (new to the UK) is another option for prescribers to consider and has shown to be very effective in studies and is highly likely to be another primary choice1. People wishing to use e-cigarettes to quit should be encouraged to use the support offered by NHS stop smoking services including the ‘swap to stop’ scheme in England.