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Please note an error has been corrected in the PCRS treatment guidelines article "All that glitters is not GOLD, nor is it even NICE" which first appeared in the Spring 2019 issue of Primary Care Respiratory Update.

A comprehensive geriatric assessment and a holistic approach in primary care is key to reducing the impact of frailty and co-morbidities in older patients with COPD.

Briefing document for National Respiratory Strategies – the NHS Long term plan and Lung Health Taskforce 5 year plan.

People with COPD feel independent and enjoy support from family and friends with good access to amenities when healthcare and social support works well, reports a study which investigated  what matters to people wit

A consensus-based article setting out a practical approach to conflicting advice in recent COPD guidance updates has been published by PCRS.

An integrated disease management (IDM) and structured follow up intervention reduces severe exacerbations and urgent primary care visits in people with high risk COPD.

Primary care clinicians are reminded that important changes to respiratory QOF indicators introduced by the new GP contract become effective from April 1. The changes are:

In the third in our series of snapshot case vignettes aimed at illustrating self-management opportunities Dr Iain Small brings you the case of Gerald. Three healthcare professionals have provided their feedback on the case. How would you respond?

Issue 16 of PCRU looks back over the year and looks forward to the future of respiratory care 

NICE has published an update to its 2010 guidance on the diagnosis and management of COPD which makes recommendations on the most effective inhaled therapies, oxygen therapies, lung volume reduction procedures, and self-management and exacerbat

GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) has updated its strategy for the diagnosis, management and prevention of COPD. There are two key changes: