The truth is avoiding 'triggers' can reduce symptoms and taking a blue inhaler, can help to provide short-term relief but they don’t address the underlying problem - inflammation.
The truth is people with asthma need to carry their blue inhaler for emergencies only. Daily preventers will keep symptoms at bay.
The truth is with the right treatment patients with asthma can lead a normal life.
"It’s only asthma...” Sound familiar? Many patients wrongly think asthma is not a serious disease.
Use of technology, coaching of soft skills and how medicine reviews can help with this
In association with Sandoz, we are delighted to be hosting this webinar series on asthma care In the third of our new series of insightful webinars, Laura Rush will discuss the importance of making every contact with a patient count. Learning outcomes for this webinar will include;
In association with Sandoz, we are delighted to be hosting this webinar series on asthma care In the second of our new series of insightful webinars, Frances Barrett will share how to convert 'Reactive to Proactive' asthma management. Learning outcomes for this webinar will include;
In association with Sandoz, we are delighted to be hosting this webinar series on asthma care The Journey Begins with the Right Diagnosis
The views expressed by speakers or other thirds parties are those of the speaker or third party and not necessarily of PCRS. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information and guidance is accurate, it is impossible to predict all the circumstances in which it may be used and PCRS assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions made in the content of these webinars. All webinars delivered by PCRS are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Their content should not be considered applicable to all situations or patients. Neither do the contents negate the requirement for comprehensive assessment of patients or the importance of discussing the benefits and risks of intervention with patients, their families and caregivers. Where links are provided to other sites and resources of third parties, these links are provided for your information only. PCRS neither endorses not accepts responsibility for the contents of third party sites or resources. For more information see our Website Terms and Conditions
PCRS is grateful to Trudell Medical UK Limited for their support of the Asthma Right Care programme in 2022. The sponsor has had no input into the content.
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